Jottings (narrated)
0-1 Minute
Boa Ej. Junge
Chicken feather down
Familienfeier / Family celebration
Huehnerfederflaum [read in german]
Leading to zero / Zu nichts fuehrend
The collar
The mother
The other Cassandra
2 Minutes
Aussentemperatur / Inner templates
Nadelstreifenland / Pinstripe country
Running while reading
Sonntag / Sunday
Moeglichkeit / Opportunity
3 Minutes
Collector’s soul / Sammlerseele
4 Minutes
Funkenmarie / Fewer nationalistic tunes
5 Minutes
Chamber of the heart
King Kong: Lost days
Mein Hund / My dog
6 Minutes
M wie Mathurine [read in german]
Predetermined breaking point, the making of an artwork
7 Minutes
15 Minutes
Don’t come in, a studio visit